Hi All,
I have this pattern,
Stationnumber ::=NUMERICSTRING;
There is no constraint on definition of NUMERICSTRING
Now I am sending value of Stationnumber = 34567
I mean to say Stationnumber has 5 characters.
So, How would you encode this in bit value in Octet Aligned encoding.
Your books say "no of reduction needed for better encdoing" of NumericString
is 3 bits.( I think that for not octet aligned encoding). So I calculated
(according to x.691 formula) for Octet aligned encoding, that gave me 4
So what I understand is accoding to x.691 definition I have to encode
NUMERICSTRING in 4 bits if it doesn't have any constrain.
But if I am doing Octet Aligned encoding for this value than it will encode
this 5 charaters in 20 bits.
( like L: 00000101 C: 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 )
So that means I have to put 4 bit pedding at the end for Octet alignment,
But that is not going to be understand by decoder.
So actually How this string would be written in Bit format.