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Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 09:35:32 -0500
From: Simon Spero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ASN.1] PER/DER

Because X.509 needs a canonical representation and predates PER by 
approximately 14 years :). Also, nearly all the bytes in an X.509 
certificate are the key and the signature, which don't really compress well 
with PER. LDAP on the otherhand really squishes well.


--On Friday, November 03, 2000 6:07 AM +0000 rb krishna 

> Hi,
>    Can any one tell me whether X.509's ASN.1 specification can be
>    encoded/decoded using PER. If yes , then why is it that most of them
> go for DER
> (subset of BER.) for encoding/decoding X.509 messages.
> although PER gives the most compact encoding.
> Thanx in advance,
> krishna.
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