"Bhan, Deepa" wrote:
> Hi:
> I am studying the Cap spec. and there are a couple of things that i do not
> understand well
> 1. Extension field
> ExtensionField {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound}  ::= SEQUENCE {
>         type                EXTENSION.&id ({SupportedExtensions {bound}}),
>                              -- shall identify the value of an EXTENSION
> type
>         criticality     CriticalityType         DEFAULT ignore,
>         value           [1] EXTENSION.&ExtensionType
>                            ({SupportedExtensions {bound}}{@type}),
>         ...
>         }
> where
> SupportedExtensions {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} EXTENSION ::=
> {firstExtension, ...
> -- full set of network operator extensions --
> where
>         &ExtensionType,
>         &criticality    CriticalityType DEFAULT ignore,
>         &id                 Code
>         }
>         EXTENSION-SYNTAX        &ExtensionType
>         CRITICALITY             &criticality
>         IDENTIFIED BY           &id
>         }
> where bound is a instance of the Information object class PARAMETERS-BOUND.
> How do i interpret all this? I believe SupportedExtensions is a table
> constraint in the ExtensionField sequence? What effect does Supported
> Extension have on the Extension Field.

Did you have a look at the books that you can download from OSS website?
http://www.oss.com/asn1/dubuisson.html (Chapter 15)

If you think that the books are not clear enough, please send me email
so that John Larmouth and I can improve them in a future version.
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