On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Dalton, Barnaby wrote:

> Are there any tools that can take a PER encoded message and convert to
> an XML representation (and vice versa)? Ideally it would automatically
> handle open types an fully decode the message.

Check back in a few months.  The ITU-T | ISO/IEC ASN.1 group is doing new
work which will allow precisely this sort of thing.  We expect that the
version of the draft that results from next month's ASN.1 meeting will be
pretty much complete.  You can expect to see tools that support such
conversions, such as from OSS Nokalva, well before the end of the year.

Bancroft Scott                               Toll Free    :1-888-OSS-ASN1
OSS Nokalva                                  International:1-732-302-0750
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 Tech Support :1-732-302-9669 x-1
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