
Just a quick reminder, if anyone is attending the Embedded Systems
Conference in San Francisco from April 9-13. 

I will be presenting two classes on ASN.1 on Wednesday 11 April. The
first class is basic introduction, and the second class presents my
experiences in handling ASN.1 in an embedded environment (in particular,
X.509 certificate processing using DER). 

The second talk will also look at what features a ASN.1 tool should
support, so I would like to hear from any ASN.1 tool vendors who would
like promotional material to be made available for the Q&A sessions
after the class.

Hope you can attend.

Geoffrey Elgey ph: +61-7-38641487  Distributed Systems Technology
Security Unit  fax:+61-7-38641282  QUT, Brisbane, Australia   
DSTC is the Australian W3C Office  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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