On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Benoit POSTE wrote:

>    Hello all.
>    I had just a short question regarding compatibility. Someone
> told me not long ago that it was not illegal, for modules written
> in ASN.1 94 or 97, to import from modules written in ASN.1 90 or
> even 88. I find it a bit surprising.
>    Could someone confirm/invalidate this?

This is incorrect, as stated in X.680 Annex A.
>    Thanks a lot :).
>    Benoit Poste.
> P.S.: I may be mistaken, but it seems to me that the archives of
> the list (http://www.mail-archive.com/asn1%40oss.com/) are
> missing a few emails (not including the most recent ones of
> course). For instance "[ASN.1] Use of ASN.1 in PKCS-15" has no
> reply listed, although at least one was made on the list. Anyone
> knows why?

It is due to problems with our archive software.  We are in the 
process of switching to a new mail and archive server that will
resolve this problem.  This switchover is expected to take place
at the end of this month.

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