On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Hellmann Peter (ext) wrote:

> Hi,
> does someone know if there is a tool out there that creates BER coded
> ASN.1 files to appropriate XML files in order to have a more
> understandable view of the data in the file? Thanks for any hints and
> links,

If you are looking for a GUI tool to convert a file from BER or PER to
XML, then the latest version of OSS ASN-1Step will do this without your
needing to write any code.

Another option: Using the OSS ASN.1 Tools, if you wish to write a simple
program to convert from BER or PER to XML all you have to do, literally,
are three calls:

   ossDecode(....);        // Decode from BER or PER to internal format
   ossSetEncodingRules(world, OSS_XER);
   ossEncode(....);        // Encode from internal format to XML

It is that easy.  The output from the ossEncode() will be an XML
document that you can then write to a file, display or whatever.

If you specify the -xsl option the OSS ASN.1 compiler will generate a
default XML stylesheet that allows you to easily customize how the XML
document is displayed.  You can also specify -dtd to instruct the compiler
to generate an XML DTD that many 3rd party XML tools use for validation.

If you have product-specific questions please send them to the vendor, in

Bancroft Scott                               Toll Free    :1-888-OSS-ASN1
OSS Nokalva                                  International:1-732-302-0750
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 Tech Support :1-732-302-9669 x-1
1-732-302-9669 x-200                         Fax          :1-732-302-0023

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