    Thanks for that reply. Which documents Annex B were you refering to?
    Let us now assume that there are no tag collissions (it just requires change of type associated with each field) and hence no need for the decision of automatic (it just would not matter). But why the inconsistency that when the CHOICE has RootComponentTypeList alone it aint sorted, and when an extension is used the RootComponentList is sorted before the type-checking. I understood from the ASN.1 semantic model (given in the book by Olivier Dubuisson) that the decision of tagging is dont post transformation that I mentioned. In case there is any other document that I could refer to then kindly provide the link for the same. Pls observe the following anomaly that should not have been there even ommiting the above misunderstandings of mine -
Choice1 ::= CHOICE
 f2  REAL
Choice2 ::= CHOICE
 f2  REAL,
choice1 Choice1 ::= f1:10
choice2 Choice2 ::= choice1    --value not suitable for Choice2--
ExtChoice1 ::= CHOICE
    field1  INTEGER,
    field2  INTEGER,
    field3  REAL,
    field4  INTEGER
ExtChoice2 ::= CHOICE
    field2  INTEGER,
    field1  INTEGER,
    field3  REAL,
    field4  INTEGER
ExtChoice3 ::= CHOICE
    field1  INTEGER,
    field2  INTEGER,
    field4  INTEGER,
    field3  REAL
ext-choice1 ExtChoice1 ::= field2:10
ext-choice2 ExtChoice2 ::= ext-choice1    -- Value is suitable for ExtChoice2 --
ext-choice3 ExtChoice3 ::= ext-choice1    -- Value not suitable for ExtChoice3 --
    As we can observe the sorting is dont only if an extension marker is used. Why this anomaly? Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Thorpe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ramaswamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ASN.1] Choice Type

> Hi Ramaswamy,
> Please note that Annex B is purely for saying which types are compatible
> so that a value of one type can be used as a value of some other type.
> This annex does NOT specify that these transformations must be done before
> you decide how automatic tagging should be done for determining how to
> encode or decode values of a type.  That is spelled out in the SET,
> SEQUENCE and CHOICE clauses in the main body of X.680 and is based purely
> on the textual order of the components in them.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Paul E. Thorpe                                 Toll Free    : 1-888-OSS-ASN1
> OSS Nokalva                                    International: 1-732-302-0750
> Email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          Tech Support : 1-732-302-9669
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