    I have been working on the FromObject notation, and there are some clarifications I require on its usage. In my knowledge everywhere value sets / object sets can be used, they can only be speficied explicitly (i.e. within curly braces) and not by using a ValueSetReference / ObjectSetReference (of course this excludes their usage within a ValueSetAssignment or a ObjectSetAssignment). Under the assumption that the above is correct (pls correct if this is wrong), I am unable to understand the importance of the 2 notations ValueSetFromObjects and ObjectSetFromObjects. For e.g. lets suppose there is a class definition with a FixedTypeValueSetField. Only an explicit value set (ElementSetSpec within curly braces) is permitted while defining any object of that class. Kindly explain and to where these notations can be used in an ASN.1 specification. Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein

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