> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Murali
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 15:38
> To: asn1
> Subject: [ASN.1] Unexpected error
> Hi, 
> Attached is the asn specs, which gives the error : 
> line 22 (InfObj4): A0120E: Parsing error: expecting NULL but 
> found ','. 
>  &result-if-error &ResultType DEFAULT NULL,  --variable type 
> value field 
> But when one more NULL is added as it is says in the error 
> message, it compiles successfully. 
> (line 22 is changed to &result-if-error &ResultType DEFAULT 
> Is it a compiler bug or the usage was wrong? 

The usage is wrong.  You need to write:

        &result-if-error &ResultType DEFAULT NULL : NULL,

because, for a variable-type-value field, the "Value" following the
DEFAULT keyword must be an "OpenTypeFieldVal" (a Type followed by a
colon followed by a value notation for this type).

When referencing the  &result-if-error  field of your class from outside
the class, you would use the following open type notation:


and its values must use the  "OpenTypeFieldVal"  notation (see X.681,
14.8).  The same applies to the "Value" following the DEFAULT keyword,
which is also a value of this open type.

Alessandro Triglia
OSS Nokalva

> Please suggest. 
> Regards, 
> Murali. 
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
> Synergy infotech (P) Ltd. 
> (An ISO 9001:2000 company) 
> www.synergy-infotech.com 
> Tel : 080-6780026/7/8,6689904,6689938, Extn : 54. 
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