    Ragarding tagging of a SEQUENCE with a COMPONENTS OF clause, the X.680 clause 24.3 states that the transformation w.r.t. the same is performed after the COMPONENTS OF transformation described in clause 24.4. What if the Type refered to by the COMPONENTS OF clause has tagged types, in the sense how is the AUTOMATIC TAGGING transformation compatible/applicable with the tags of the elements after COMPONENTS OF processing. Whats is the effect of the following cases considering the following e.g. -

T ::= SEQUENCE { a Ta, b SEQUENCE { b1 T1, b2 T2, b3 T3}, c Tc }


  1. If the Type Specified in the COMPONENTS OF clause was in an AUTOMATIC TAGGING environment (W in ATE and T in ATE).
  2. If the Type Specified in the COMPONENTS OF clause was in an non AUTOMATIC TAGGING environment (W in ATE and T in non-ATE).
  3. If W is in non-ATE environment while T is in ATE environment.
    W.r.t. to the 1st case when AUTOMATIC TAGGING transformation is done, I understand that the elements b1, b2, b3 of both W & T have the same tags.
    W.r.t. the 3rd case my understanding is that b1, b2, b3 in T will be subject to the transformation while the same in W will not.
    But in the 2nd case when the transformation is done, are the elements b1, b2 and b3 subject to the transformation when in W? In case the transformation is applicable for elements b1, b2, b3 then how does the tagging algorithm tackle the existing tags. Or, since T is in a non-ATE environment, the same elements are not subject to AT in T.
    I have not covered some other possibilities but I hope the question is clear.
Thanking you.
Yours Sincerely

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein

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