John Birrell wrote:
On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 09:06:25PM +0100, Olivier Dubuisson wrote:

BTW corrected modules for X.519 (and a lot of other ITU-T Recommendations) are freely available in the module database of the ITU-T ASN.1 Project at:

Is there some way to lookup what modules reference other modules?

There is a dependency tree (or list when the tree is too big) for each Recommendation. See for example:
(but reading further, it seems you're looking for the other way round)

For example, I find that X509 is a little sub-optimal when defining
SupportedAlgorithms. The ASN1 in RFC2459 is very similar, but is more
comprehensive because it defines some algorithms.

The ASN.1 modules provided in the ITU-T database are only those that are defined in the published ITU-T Recommendations.

Is there an additional ASN module somewhere which contains definitions
for the commonly used algorithms (like the ones defined in RFC2459)?
I'd like some way of finding out what standard ASN modules reference
X509 modules.

I'm going to ask the ITU TSB if it a service they could easily provide. But Google could probably help you in this matter.

I am beginning to wonder if it is even possible to get a set of ASN
modules that consistently handle certificates. It seems like the ball
is dropped in the X509 court and picked up in a bunch or RFCs which
go on to define their own ASN which may be consistent within the RFCs,
but is inconsistent with the X500 set of standards.

Does anyone actually use the published X509 ASN?

I think you'd better ask this on the OSI Directory list (that I'm Cc'ing).

Or is all certificate handling done via the PKIX RFC defined ASN?
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