John Larmouth wrote:
No doubt somebody will confirm, but I would point out that moving the extension marker means no interworking at all betweeen deployed version 2 systems and version 4 messages, if PER is being used.

Correct. I have checked with the ITU TSB.

The following versions of H.225.0 are available:
> Version                            Approbation
> 1.0        H.225.0                 1996-11-11
> 2.0        H.225.0                 1998-02-06
> 3.0        H.225.0                 1999-09-30
> 3.1        H.225.0 Annex G         1999-05-27
> 3.2        H.225.0 Annex I         1998-09-25
> 4.0        H.225.0                 2000-11-17
> 4.1        H.225.0 (2000) Amend.1  2002-11-29
> 5.0        H.225.0                 2003-07-14

In version 2, type Progess-UUIE is defined as follows:
> Progress-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
> {
>     protocolIdentifier        ProtocolIdentifier,
>     destinationInfo           EndpointType,
>     h245Address                    TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
>     callIdentifier            CallIdentifier,
>     h245SecurityMode               H245Security OPTIONAL,
>     ...,
>     tokens                 SEQUENCE OF ClearToken          OPTIONAL,
>     cryptoTokens                   SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token     OPTIONAL,
>     fastStart              SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING        OPTIONAL,
> }

But from version 3 onwards, it is defined as:
Progress-UUIE ::= SEQUENCE
protocolIdentifier ProtocolIdentifier,
destinationInfo EndpointType,
h245Address TransportAddress OPTIONAL,
callIdentifier CallIdentifier,
h245SecurityMode H245Security OPTIONAL,
tokens SEQUENCE OF ClearToken OPTIONAL, cryptoTokens SEQUENCE OF CryptoH323Token OPTIONAL,
multipleCalls BOOLEAN,
maintainConnection BOOLEAN,
fastConnectRefused NULL OPTIONAL


we are checking with the Rapporteur of ITU-T Rec. H.225.0 to understand why this non-compatible change was applied. I'll get back to you as soon as I get an answer.
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