Hi All,
    I am very new to this mailing list and also to ASN.1 syntax.
I just come across "when SEQUENCE"  syntax in one of the message type of
Following is a syntax of that message -

CapacityReportingSpecification ::= SEQUENCE
        when SEQUENCE
                callStart       NULL OPTIONAL,
                callEnd         NULL OPTIONAL,

I was just wondering about what is the significance of "when" as a prefix to SEQUENCE ?

Please read Section 12.2 of my book that you can freely download from: http://www.oss.com/asn1/dubuisson.html -- Olivier DUBUISSON france telecom R&D

DTL/TAL - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
t: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - f: +33 2 96 05 39 45 - http://asn1.elibel.tm.fr/

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