Thanks for your answers.

Best regards
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:16:01AM +0100, Olivier Dubuisson wrote:
> Geoffrey Elgey wrote:
> >G'day,
> >
> >Olivier Dubuisson wrote:
> >
> >>The relevant rule is <21> on the next page: "MTSIdentifier" is 
> >>imported twice, so the only way to reference it is by way of an 
> >>"ExternalTypeReference" that includes the modulename to avoid ambiguity.
> >>Note that "MTSIdentifier" is not referenced in the body of module 
> >>"MhsAcctAsn1Module", so there is no problem (it is imported so that it 
> >>can be re-exported to any other ASN.1 module that imports definitions 
> >>from module "MhsAcctAsn1Module").
> >
> >So if a third module has "IMPORTS MTSIdentifier FROM MhsAcctAsn1Module", 
> >which  MTSIdentifier gets imported?
> Good catch! My mistake.
> Rule <17> on page 115 of my book (in both English and French versions) 
> states:
> Each "Symbol" appearing in "SymbolsFromModule" must be defined in the 
> body or in the IMPORTS clause of the referenced module (in the second 
> case, "Symbol" can appear only once in the IMPORTS clause of the 
> referenced module and should not be defined in the body of that module).
> BTW Sebastien Castano who is in charge of the ITU-T module database has 
> kindly checked ITU-T Rec. X.462.
> The IMPORTS statement of module "MhsAcctAsn1Module" is as follows:
> --  MTS abstract service parameters
>       [...]
>       MTSIdentifier,
>       [...]
> FROM MTSAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0)
> mts-abstract-service(1) version-1999(1)  }
> --  MTA abstract service parameters
>       [...]
>       MTSIdentifier,
>       [...]
> FROM MTAAbstractService {joint-iso-itu-t mhs(6) mts(3) modules(0)
> mta-abstract-service(2) version-1999(1) }
> "MTSIdentifier" is only defined in module "MTSAbstractService". Module 
> "MTAAbstractService" imports it from module "MTSAbstractService".
> We have removed the second importation of "MTSIdentifier" (the ITU-T 
> module database will be soon available -- if not already!). This small 
> change to the approved standard will be reflected in the implementor's 
> guide for the X.400 series (a document that can be downloaded for free 
> from this ITU website).
> -- 
> france telecom R&D
> DTL/TAL - 22307 Lannion Cedex - France
> t: +33 2 96 05 38 50 - f: +33 2 96 05 39 45 -

Sandrine Soudant, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
53, rue Sainte-Anne
75002 Paris

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