On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Ed Day wrote:

> We have a question on size constraint syntax.  In the RANAP
> specification, the following declaration exists:
> TransportLayerAddress    ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..160), ...)
> According to X.680, an extensible size should be written as follows:
> (SIZE (1..160,...))
> We are wondering how the above definition should be treated.  X.680
> Annex G gives several examples of extensible situations, but this one
> does not appear to be covered.  It would appear to us that in the case
> above, the ... is indicating that additional constraints can be added in
> the future and would not apply to the 1..160 range.  How should this be
> interpreted?

The two syntaxes are equivalent in versions of ASN.1 prior to 2002, but
the normative text of X.680:2002 accidentally indicates that
(SIZE (1..160), ...) is extensible and (SIZE (1..160, ...)) is not
extensible (see clause 46.3).  This mistake was recognized before
publication of ASN.1:2002, but it was too late in the process publication
to get the right text in.  I expect that this will be corrected at the
ASN.1 standards meeting that is being held in Paris this week.

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