Flemming Gram Christensen wrote:
Hi all,

I have a simple question I have been thinking about for some time.
I am new to ASN1.

I have a product, say a thermometer, that is supposed to be used
together with products from other companies. Lets say they use RS485.

If a deliver documentation about a binary protocol, other people can
implement it in their products. But binary protocol specifications
have their problems, we all know.

I could also specify my protocol using ASN1 and use a specific
compiler to implement the protocol in my product. The thermometer can
talk to the other of my products. So I am happy.

What will the other companies do (when they need to use my thermometer)?

a) Are they forced to use the same ASN1 compiler?

No, the local syntax/structure of thermometer data (in memory) doesn't really matter. As long as the line encoding is the same, other companies can use/exchange thermometer data. The line encoding is determined by the ASN1 text and encoding rules, so if the ASN1 compiler conforms to ASN.1 there shouldn't be a problem.

b) Is it enough to specify the ASN1 text and encoding rule used (e.g. BER) ?
   Is the compilers compatible?

Yes, when compilers are compatible (when they both conform to ASN.1). In OSI application layer terms: when abstract syntax (ASN.1 text definitions) and transfer syntax (encoding rule) match, it should all work. As said before: local syntax (the way a machine stores thermometer data in memory) doesn't matter.

Btw. the OSI presentation layer protocol as well as the OSI application
layer protocols (e.g. ACSE, FTAM) have been specified in ASN.1.

N. van Bolhuis.

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