Hier finden sich ein paar Infos: http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/express/faq/#sqlexpress


   * What is SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SQL Server Express) is an
easy-to-use version of SQL Server 2005 designed for building
simple, dynamic applications.

   * Why is Microsoft building SQL Server Express?

Based on positive feedback from customers and partners surrounding
the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE), Microsoft made the
decision to provide similar capabilities for SQL Server 2005.
Microsoft is committed to enabling developers to build robust and
reliable data-driven applications.

   * How much does SQL Server Express cost?

SQL Server Express is free to use and redistribute. Please note
that pre-release preview and beta software is for testing and
evaluation purposes only, and should not be deployed for any other

   * What features are included in SQL Server Express?

SQL Server Express is a lightweight version of SQL Server 2005
that includes all of the rich functionality of the SQL Server
database engine, such as stored procedures, views, triggers,
cursors, CLR support, and XML support. In addition, SQL Server
Express will come with a free and easy-to-use management tool, SQL
Server Express Manager. See the "What You Get" section of the SQL
Server 2005 Express Edition page
<http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/express/sql/> for more details.

   * How is SQL Server Express different from other editions of SQL
     Server 2005? <javascript:ShowHide('a_605');>

SQL Server Express is designed to meet the needs of simple
applications. Therefore, it is limited to using a single CPU and
up to 1GB RAM, with a 4GB maximum database size. SQL Server
Express does not include any of the advanced components of SQL
Server including Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Data
Transformation Services, and Notification Services.

   * How is SQL Server Express different from MSDE?

SQL Server Express is an evolution of MSDE that continues to make
the features and functionality of SQL Server technology widely
available. SQL Server Express includes enhancements to setup and
manageability to make it easier to use than MSDE. SQL Server
Express also utilizes simpler and more scalable performance limits
than MSDE, which managed throughput with a workload governor.

   * What happens to MSDE? <javascript:ShowHide('a_607');>

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition will replace MSDE.

   * If SQL Server Express is the next version of MSDE, why are you
     changing the name? <javascript:ShowHide('a_608');>

The name MSDE was confusing to customers and partners because many
did not realize that it was associated with SQL Server. We believe
that by changing the name from MSDE to SQL Server Express there
will be less confusion among customers and partners.

Claudius Ceteras wrote:

Interessant wird die Express-Schiene.

Nennen sie die MSDE von nun an einfach so oder ist das ein Zwischending? Zumindest die Gratisversion tönt mir recht nach MSDE.

Nein, SQL Express ist was Neues. Sobald Beta 1 offiziell für alle downloadbar wird gebe ich ein paar Sachen ins Blog bei mir.

Wird es trotzdem auch eine MSDE 2005 geben? Was sind dann Feature-Unterschiede aussr DTS?

SQL Express als DB für die Express-Produkte und MSDE als mitlieferbare DB
für die "normalen" Produkte, Visual Studio etc ??


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Content preview: > >>Interessant wird die Express-Schiene. > >Nennen sie
die MSDE von nun an einfach so oder ist das ein > >Zwischending?
Zumindest die Gratisversion tönt mir recht nach MSDE. > > Nein, SQL
Express ist was Neues. Sobald Beta 1 offiziell für > alle downloadbar
wird gebe ich ein paar Sachen ins Blog bei mir. [...]

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