> Did you ever try to use ApacheToolbox for any of this?  I sounds
 > like it works just fine for lots of people.  The hard part
 > is installing mod_perl I think.

I have to say i agree about mod_perl being the hardest part..after 
installing and reinstalling perl, CPAN shite, and mod_perl for days, 
digging around in groups.google, messing with makefiles, changing config 
options zillions of times, then finally getting the whole mess 
(apache+php+mod_perl+mod_ssl+mod_dynvhost) to compile only to SEGFAULT 
immediately after a page request, i was about ready to give up.. then 
someone told me about the Apache Toolbox (apachetoolbox.com).. wow.. 
ugly page, but the damn works pretty well (for my setup anyway)  just 
wish someone had told me that Apache::ASP doesn't convert J/VBScript to 
perl for you? doh.


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