James I Hightower wrote:
> All,
> I have been developing a web application with apache, mod_perl and Apache::ASP
> on a Linux box for some time now and have experienced no problems until today.
> Today I was unable to bounce apache server.  I had just copied a newly-developed
> .asp module to the Apache::ASP Global directory so I figured that was the
> culprit.  However, after some experimentation I realized the new module wasn't
> the problem since I  was able to get the apache server to startup by removing
> any one module from the Global directory (while leaving the new module).
> The PC I am using has 128K of memory.   I'm guessing  I am running out of memory
> during apache server startup since I can achieve server startup by removing any
> one module.   The application works fine after server startup as long as I avoid
> invoking any module I omitted.  The apache error_log shows no errors.

I have never heard of this before, so what follows is more general 
troubleshooting techniques...

Check out what happens to your system under top when it hangs.  How much
free RAM do you have, does your machine start to swap ?  If you run
the raw httpd command from the init.d httpd/apache script with a -X
modifier from the command line, this can help debug things, just
do something like this:

  bash> strace httpd -X 

you can hit the web server as normal, but it is in single process
mode, and you might be able to see better on which system call 
it hangs.  If you keep top running in a separate window while you
do this, you could glean some information pointing at the real
problem, whatever it may be.

>         PerlSetVar StateDB MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
>         PerlSetVar StateSerializer Storable
>         PerlSetVar StateCache 1
>         PerlSetVar Debug 2
>         PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  1440
>         PerlSetVar StateManager 4
>         PerlSetVar StatScripts  0

There is a lot of redundant information in your conf file. I think
you will find that you can move PerlSetVar configs out of 
<Files> blocks to one level higher to cover all of the Files
blocks if they share common settings.

> use Apache::ASP;
> Apache::ASP->Loader( '/usr/local/apache/ADDRKEEP/asp',
>                      "(asp|html|pm)\$",
>                      'Global'  => '/usr/local/apache/ADDRKEEP/asp',
>                      'Debug' => 2,
>                     );
> use lib "/usr/local/ADDRKEEP/perl";

I would put the "use lib" line before the Apache::ASP->Loader() line,
but it probably really doens't matter since the use should get
executed first anyway.  But the reality is the ASP application that you
are precompiling probably depends on modules in ADDRKEEP being

Let us know what you figure out, bizarre problem really.

-- Josh
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

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