>The bundle file is used when installing through cpan as in:

  >cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra

Hi, everybody,
First, I apologise, Mr. Chamas, for writing to your private address, I had lost the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address.  
When installing  "install Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra", only the usual Apache-ASP-2.31 files are copied to my harddisc. Cpan also says in the end "couldn't find a bundle file in ...\cpan\build\Apache-ASP-2.31 at ....\cpan.pm line 1972. Also when I go to http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Apache/ , there's only the Apache-ASP-2.31.tar.gz archive. But maybe it is the same, if I open the extra.pm file from lib\bundle\apache\asp and get all the modules, which are listed in this file manually over cpan?

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