Sure, the more templating engines the better! :-)

The only caveat here is that I definitely don't have the time to implement this,
and besides, I don't know ASP. Andy Wardley sent me a big patch to enable
Template Toolkit support, so if somebody wants to take a whack at this and send
me a corresponding patch, I will gladly add it. Look near the bottom of
render(), where there are some if/elsif/else statements looking for the type of
template specified. This shouldn't be too hard to slot in there.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Ellers'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 4:36 PM
Subject: RE: OT: (slightly) RAD RDBMS tools for perl/Apache::ASP -> FormBuilder

> Actually, using asp includes for the templating sounds great...  I
> haven't looked at the code, but I wouldn't think it would be that hard
> to add.  It'd be great not to have to learn yet another pseudo-language
> to accomplish this (Template::Toolkit or HTML::Toolkit) when Apache::ASP
> is something I already know!  I'll start looking at the FormBuilder
> hooks, and see how involved it is - don't know if I have the time to
> actually implement it, but it's a great idea.
> I'm cc'ing Nate on this too, see what he thinks.
> Jim
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ellers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> |
> |
> > Most of the time I used FormBuilder's inbuilt $form->render() method
> > because it was easier than doing a template; it dawned on me that it
> > would make sense to add another template method for FormBuilder,
> > something like:
> >
> > $form->render( ASPInclude => 'inc_user_details.asp' )
> >
> > or whatever, and instead of HTML::Template variables,
> > CGI::FormBuilder could just supply a hashref to the include file
> > allowing stuff like:
> >
> > [inc_user_details.asp]
> >
> > <p>User Name: <%= $cgiform->{'field_user_name'} %>
> >
> > etc
> >
> >
> > This isn't existing functionality in FormBuilder, but if anyone else
> > thinks its a worthy idea it could be recommended to the author.
> >
> > Ellers
> >
> >

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