I'm stuck on what should be a pretty simple patch to FormFill. We
pass data around via QueryString a lot, so I'd like our form fields
to be prefilled using both $Request->QueryString and $Request->Form.

I was trying a patch like so:

  my $fdat;
  eval { $asp->{Request}{Params} };
  if ($@) {
    $fdat = $asp->{Request}{Form};
    $asp->{dbg} && $asp->Debug("form fill: using $Request->Form");
  else {
    $fdat = $asp->{Request}{Params};
    $asp->{dbg} && $asp->Debug("form fill: using Request->Params");

  eval {
    my $fif = HTML::FillInForm->new();
    $form = $fif->fill(
                       scalarref => \$form,
                       fdat => $fdat

This works fine when I add "PerlSetVar RequestParams 1" to httpd.conf.
However, when I remove RequestParams, the "$asp->{Request}{Params}"
eval doesn't throw an error!

If I create a plain old page and call:

    eval { $Request->Params; };
    print $@ ? "failed: $@" : "succeeded!";

the trap works just fine. Is there something special about the $asp
object in FormFill?

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