Jonathan De Graeve wrote:
> How dus it come that Apache ASP is different from Microsofts ASP
> implementation.
> The Apache ASP is more Perl with some word coding style like ASP. It isn't
> like the Chillisoft ASP.
> But great job, keep on going.

Microsoft ASP, or Active Server Pages, specifies a scripting 
syntax & object model that is language independent.  Its just
that most people think of VBScript who have worked with 
IIS ASP because that is the default language there.  ActiveState
developed PerlScript to allow for perl scripting in IIS/ASP,
and IIS/PerlScript/ASP is what Apache::ASP most closely resembles.

When researching web development environments back in '97-'98
I found ASP & thought its $Session model was second to none, but when 
researching VBScript found it to be a fairly crippled programming
language.  I found PerlScript/ASP, but the perl version that ActiveState
compiled was too "sanitized" and was pretty crippled, and back
then PerlScript was also pretty slow.

I had already been doing cgi perl development since '95, and liked
it as a web language.  In '98 I discovered mod_perl.  The mod_perl 
environment already had Embperl, but Apache::Session had not yet 
been developed, so there was no $Session model there, so I built 
Apache::ASP to be a pure perl version of IIS/ASP.  I liked the
idea of porting a platform like this because I knew that things
like <%= %> syntax would ultimately be well supported in HTML GUIs,
unlike any other syntax like what Embperl had at the time.

Apache::ASP handles perl scripting only because its written in perl.  
Handling any other languague would require an emulator, and one 
such emulator is in the works for VBScript.

> PS, do you know a link to the version for Linux systems?

No, but I am sure its out there.  The mono project in particular
should be interesting to you, though I have not looked into it yet.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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