
I didn't use nmake to install, I simply downloaded the files via cpan and
copied to the required directories. Then I modified the htaccess files a
little, e.g., defining the tmp directory for bookmarks as PerlSetVar
StateDir c:/Programme/Server/Apache/public/ApacheASP/tmp , and PerlSetVar
StateDir c:/Programme/Server/Apache/public/ApacheASP/tmp/asp_search as well
as PerlSetVar SearchDB
c:/Programme/Server/Apache/public/ApacheASP/tmp/asp_search/search for the
search example and some other minor changes. Now everything works
flawlessly, I just wondered why only the bookmarks example created the tmp
directory , but now, after it had been created, all other examples work too
(using the tmp directory created prior by the bookmarks example), so there's
no need to change the statedir in  makefile.pl, as far as I am concerned.
But maybe for others it would be helpful, in case they get the same problem.
So, as far as I understand, you assumed that the tmp directory was already
there, which is true for Unix, but not true for windows, since the directory
is not /tmp, but c:\windows\temp, there is no standard "tmp" directory in
windows. You could change this in makefile.pl, but then again, windows is
not necessarily installed in c:\windows on every pc. The easiest way is
simply to let everyone edit the htaccess files and to change the statedir to
whatever directory one wants.

The XSLT example works on my pc, after I made the changes described in the
previous email, but I would like to test the Sablotron module. How do I
change the xslt example so that it uses Sablotron or LibXSLT?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Chamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: expat.dll version 2.30 needed

> > WRFan wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > had problems with one of the example modules. XML::Parser::Expat was
needed, but I got only version 2.27 of expat.dll . The version on cpan has
> > dll. only the pm files, they are version 2.30, but dom.pm, another
module, which requires XML::Parser, requires at least version 2.28.  So I
had to
> > reduce the requirement in dom.pm to 2.27 and set parser.pm and expat.pm
to 2.27 to match each other and the old expat.dll which was already on my
> > system, don't know, maybe it has been installed with activeperl. of
course, I could also change the number in expat.dll to 2.30 with a hex
> > but I rather would like to have the real 2.30 version. I am on windows
and somehow can't find out how to compile. If somebody got this dll file
> > version 2.30 to match the corresponding pm files I have, please email me
> >
> I am sorry for your troubles, I was hoping someone else had some advice
> relevant to this problem, as I did not.  Compilation on Windows of any
> of the unix type stuff has always seems luck when its worked out for me
> ( though I developed Apache::ASP on WinNT for at least 2 years! ).
> If you would like to get the XSLT example to work, but have a hard time
> getting XML::XSLT working, you could trying using XML::Sablotron or
> XML::LibXSLT, both of which are supported via the XSLTParser config.
> At least with these latter modules, you do not need to get
> XML::Parser to work.
> > Also, maybe you know how to make apache asp and halcyonsoft asp work
together on the same server? poor apache gets confused, and everytime I
start a
> > vbscript, the apache asp module kicks in. i use ifdefine tags in
httpd.conf to start only one of the modules, but I'd rather start both
modules at
> > the same time, otherwise I have to restart the server to test the
respective other scripts. Maybe through a .htaccess file? I put the
> > asp directives from httpd.conf to a htaccess file, but the apache asp
module still kicked in; or by renaming apache asp scripts extension to
> > something else?
> >
> Sure, Apache::ASP does not care how its scripts are named, for example,
> I often masquerade them as .html / .htm files on a server with
> <Files ~ *\.htm>
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::ASP
>    ...
> </Files>
> So you could name them .pasp for Perl ASP to have things be more
> clear on your server.
> > Another small problem is that the tmp directory, which is needed for
some of the example scripts, is not created properly. First of all, it is
> > created ONLY by the bookmarks example (and I think also the search
engine example). As soon as it is created, all other scripts work, but
> > none of the other scripts creates this directory. Also, the first time I
start the bookmarks script (i.e., the time when the tmp directory is
> The /tmp directory is standard on Unix, but its /temp on Windows ( or
/Windows/temp/? ).
> I am not sure what to do about this.  What surprises me here is that any
> search or bookmarks would be able to create the /tmp directory for you, as
the Apache::ASP
> code should only be creating the directories like /tmp/asp_demo and
> when they get run.  But even with possible issue fixed, you still have a
> in that the samples will not run out of the box as samples should.
> Perhaps I might add the ability into running perl Makefile.PL
> to modify the samples .htaccess at installation time to set a
> platform dependent StateDir?  But this assumes that you installed
> Apache::ASP by runnning
>   perl Makefile.PL; nmake test; nmake install
> did you?
> > errors compiling global.asa: DBD::CSV::db do failed: Cannot open
C:\Programme\Server\Apache\public\ApacheASP\tmp\bookmarks for writing: No
such file
> > or directory at C:/Programme/Server/Perl/lib/DBD/File.pm line 466.
> Now this is interesting, because its is looking for some
> C:\Programme\Server\Apache\public\ApacheASP\tmp\bookmarks
> file, but if the program were working as I would expect, it
> would look for the /tmp/asp_apps_bookmarks/bookmarks file
> because of this code in site/apps/bookmarks/global.asa:
> $Db = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=".Apache->dir_config('StateDir'), '',
>                    { RaiseError => 1 })
>   or die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr;
> The /tmp/asp_apps_bookmarks config should come from
> ]# cat site/apps/bookmarks/.htaccess
> DirectoryIndex index.asp
> <Files ~ \.asp$>
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::ASP
> PerlSetVar Global .
> PerlSetVar GlobalPackage My::Bookmarks
> PerlSetVar StateDir /tmp/asp_apps_bookmarks
> ...
> </Files>
> So maybe your apache isn't letting .htaccess be read
> with the "AllowOverride All" httpd.conf setting.  But then
> we would be back to the /tmp missing on your system.
> So, if you do install Apache::ASP with "perl Makefile.PL" ...
> maybe I can also offer to create it for you to get the
> sample scripts working?!
> --Josh
> _________________________________________________________________
> Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA
> http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

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