This is pretty difficult, I hope an updated Apache::ASp version for the new 
apache/mod_perl will come out soon. But actually it already works now, at 
least partly. First compile mod_perl-1.99_01.tar.gz into the apache 2.35 
server, then correct some mistakes in (this is the compatibility 
module to ensure compatibility with old apache/mod_perl):

it should be  while (CORE::read($fh, $buff, $len)) {

not  while (read($fh, $buff, $len)) {

and the dollar sign ( $ ) is missing somewhere at the end of the file in 

should be :

elsif ($size < 1048576) {
        $size = sprintf "%4dk", ($size + 512) / 1024;
    elsif ($size < 103809024) {
        $size = sprintf "%4.1fM", $size / 1048576.0;
    else {
        $size = sprintf "%4dM", ($size + 524288) / 1048576;


then edit all htaccess files (the examples supplied with apache::asp) and 

PerlHandler Apache::compat , so e.g.:

<Files ~ (\.xml)>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::compat
        PerlHandler Apache::ASP
        PerlSetVar NoState 1
        PerlSetVar XSLT template.xsl
        PerlSetVar XSLTCache 1

actually this is stupid, it would be better to use
use Apache::compat (); in a loaded from httpd.conf by using 
perlrequire or using
PerlModule Apache2
PerlModule Apache::compat in httpd.conf
but this doesn't work, the server crashes without giving an error in the 
error_log if Apache::compat is loaded in such a way. Hell knows why, at the 
mod_perl forum they told that the above fixes in the should fix 
all this, but apparently it does not.
Now some of the example scripts work, but not all. Here are a couple of 
errors returned by some of the scripts:
Can't call method "args" on an undefined value at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 443.
, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 1555 (cgi.htm example 
and file_upload example)

bookmarks example:


errors compiling global.asa: Can't locate object method "dir_config" via 
package "Apache" (perhaps you forgot to load "Apache"?) at /usr/local/ 
apache2/public/site/apps/bookmarks//./global.asa line 15.
        eval 'E) || die("can\'t create table $DBI::errstr");

$Db->do("select * from bookmarks")
  || die("can\'t do select against bookma... see compile error for rest


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