Fernando Munoz wrote:
has anyone tried successfully to send "Content-type: multipart/alternative"
email using the $Server->Mail object? I'm trying to send email with
boundaries for text and html portions. I've already have html working with
no problem but when I try to put both formats in a message body I always end
receiving a whole text (including html code) email (I've tried several email
clients). I'd appreciate an example.
I have not done this from within Apache::ASP, but it seems possible
that you could use the MIME::Lite API, and insert the right content
into $Server->Mail() usage, or you could use MIME::Lite->send()
to send the message directly.

You might also try the MIME::Lite->body_as_string() API and add that
to the Body passed to $Server->Mail, but you might also have to add
some special headers as well.

Whatever your solution, if you could post what you come up with,
that would be educational for all.


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