We have completed everything we know to do and still Apache ASP will not
work.  Surely there's a way to run Apache ASP on this server.

Spencer has completely reinstalled my virtual server with perl 5.6.1.  See

Perl -v shows version 5.6.1.  This is the only perl on the server.  

I did perl -MCPAN -e shell
Cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP

It did not go well.  See the dialog at

I went ahead and put the lines into httpd.conf and restarted Apache.  It
would not restart.  And no message in error_log

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Steve Brown

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Candland, Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 4:17 PM
> To: 'Steve Brown'
> Subject: RE: New Perl 5.8.0
> Alright Steve, I have taken care of that for you.  I completely
> reinstalled
> your server and setup everything under 5.6.1.  Hopefully that will work
> for
> you.  Let me know if you continue to have problems.
> Spencer
> About Web Services
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 4:48 PM
> To: Candland, Spencer
> Subject: Re: New Perl 5.8.0
> Spencer,
>      Would you consider doing the recomendation listed below from a member
> of the asp mail list?  With a fresh install we'll try to make sure we end
> up
> with only one perl installed.  It needs to be nothing less than perl
> 5.6.1.
> If you would do the upgrade using RPM, then I will try to make sure I
> answer
> the question correctly to not install another version of perl.  I'll only
> install Apache ASP.
> I will grab a copy of our static pages under html so I can replace them.
> I believe this link also listed below is import to our sucess:
> https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2003-256.html#Red%20Hat%20Linux%207.2
> Another email will follow in a few minutes that I believe is also
> important
> to our sucess.
> Steve Brown
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Jan 29, 2004 9:56 AM
> Subject: Re: New Perl 5.8.0
> It looks like your mod_perl is still compiled to the 5.6.0.  I would
> suggest that you have them give you a fresh server install.  Then use
> the RPMs to upgrade to 5.6.1 (it looks like they are using RedHat 7.2)
> https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2003-256.html#Red%20Hat%20Linux%207.2
> Now, when you try to install your modules with CPAN, it may try to
> install Perl 5.8 in order to resolve dependancies.  Tell it 'no' when it
> asks you if you want to do this.  This usually happens when a module
> becomes integrated into the default perl install in a more recent
> version.  You may have to manually force it to install the older version
> of the module before it became integrated.
> HTH,
> Stuart Johnston
> Steve Brown wrote:
> > You can view the output from perl -V at
> http://ptoc.org/register/perl-V.txt   It shows perl 5.8.3 because
> /usr/local/bin shows up first in the PATH.
> >
> > When I subscribed to web hosting at globalservers.com it came with
> /usr/bin/perl 5.6.0
> >
> > After some recomendations from this mail group I did the following to
> upgrade perl
> > perl -MCPAN -e shell
> > cpan> install CPAN
> > cpan> install Bundle::Apache::ASP
> >
> > Which installed perl 5.8.3 into the /usr/local/bin directory by default.
> I thought it would do an upgrade from perl 5.6.0 to 5.8.3.  I ended up
> with
> two versions of perl.
> >
> > After much trouble, Spencer at globalservers.com installed perl 5.8.0
> into
> /usr/bin.  I'm not sure how to get rid of this mess and start over with
> one
> version of perl 5.8.3.  If we get to one version of perl, then mod_perl
> and
> apache will no doubt have to be recompiled.
> >
> > It seems that no matter what Spencer does I still get perl 5.6.0 showing
> up in my ASP error_log and Apache will not restart with ASP stuff in the
> httpd.conf file.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Steve Brown

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