
Thanks for the prompt feedback.

Of course, the lack of shared memory (multi-threading) explains why it
would have to commit all state information for each request.

Thanks also for the DB_File information.

Much appreciated.



On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Josh Chamas wrote:

> Helmut Zeilinger wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >
> > the reason for the data size limit is, that the SDBM hash size
> > limit is 1024 bytes for the key + the value.
> >
> > You can store more data if you use DB_File or MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
> > for storing the data.
> >
> > But see "man Apache::ASP", Section "State Management" (StateDB).
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Helmut
> >
> Helmut is correct.  I would like to add that since mod_perl & Apache
> are multi-process, they don't share memory, so all this session state
> is stored to disk to allow multi-process data sharing.  So basically,
> you want to keep the data going to disk lighter, and only store enough
> to allow your objects to be recreated in memory each request via
> constructors, & not serialize the object to disk/$Session fully each
> request/read/write.
> Consider that each time one does:
>    $Session->{object} = {};
> you just wrote to disk.  Though DB_File holds more than SDBM_File,
> it is much slower to do basic read/write operations for smaller
> bits of data, and accessing large blocks of data is obviously slow.
> Definitely read the MLDBM::Sync man page for a further analysis of this
> which is the internal state manager used for Apache::ASP.
> Regards,
> Josh
> ________________________________________________________________
> Josh Chamas, Founder                   phone:925-552-0128
> Chamas Enterprises Inc.      
> NodeWorks Link Checker       

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