Straight from


Returns the value of the input of name $name used in a form with POST method.

... Later on ...


Returns the value of the input of name $name used in a form with GET method, or passed by appending a query string to the end of a url ..

Check $Request->Params on the same page for a way to do what you want (I think) although thats not valid ASP..


Youngblood, Gregory (SAIC) wrote:

Good afternoon, I'm hoping someone can help me with what has to be a simple
problem. This is almost definitely a case of USER ERROR on my part, but it
is giving me fits.

I want to call a URL, such as, and get the data
from the URL.
The url is the same as one generated by a form using the GET method to
submit data.

I would like to use $Request->Form('field1') to get value1 from field1. It
does not appear to work.

I did verify that QUERY_STRING does have the field1=value1&field2=value2
data in it.

I can also create a form using GET method and submit the data and still not
see the data in Request->Form.

If I change the form to use the POST method, everything works. The only
problem is I want to use GET and not POST. I need to create text (and/or
image) links to the URL changing the value of field1 and field2 accordingly.

I have a minimal config, httpd.doc has:

<Files ~ (\.asp)>
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlModule Apache::ASP
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
 PerlSetVar Global /srv/www/lib
 PerlSetVar StateDir /tmp/asp

and global.asa is empty. There is no .htaccess file. The file I'm calling is

index.asp is very short (for testing purposes):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
   <h1>test 1</h1>
   <form method=GET>
     <input type=text name=field1 /><br />
     <input type=text name=field2 /><br />
     <input type=submit />
   <h1>results 1:</h1>
   <h1>test 2</h1>
   <form method=POST>
     <input type=text name=field1 /><br />
     <input type=text name=field2 /><br />
     <input type=submit />
   <h1>results 2:</h1>

This is on a SUSE9 Linux system.

I can very easily write somethign to read QUERY_STRING, but one of the
advantages of Apache::ASP is the form handling. I thought the Request object
included processing for data submitted with GET and put the values in Form.

Any clues or ideas?


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