
I've noticed strange behavior of Apache::ASP 2.57 - I mean session counting.

In my Application I have code like this:

//global.asa frag:

sub Session_OnStart {
        $Application->{'Session'.$Session->SessionID} = "blah blah";

sub Session_OnEnd { delete $Application->{'Session'.$Session->SessionID}; }

Then I've created some page, where Sessions are displayed. To get number of sessions I use $Application->SessionCount(), and then:

for ( @sessions ) {
        next unless ( $_ =~ /^Session/ );
        my $s_id = $_;
        $s_id =~ s/^Session//io;
        my $session = $Application->GetSession( $s_id );
        my $s_data = $session ? { %$session } : undef;
// display some contents of $s_data

The problem is, that $Application->SessionCount() returns less than number of displayed lines (one per session, of coz). I've noticed it happens after few hours of runnning Application - e.g. at the moment $Application->{HowMany} has value of 7075, $Application->SessionCount() returns 0, but I see 11 sessions (one is mine).

Kudos for Josh - for A::ASP and providing good examples of using it.


CPU hotplug is not for removing the processor from single-CPU x86 box.
Kiddie: "The new kernel has CPU hotplug support, here, watch... oh CRAP."

Bruno Czekay - bruno(at)domar.pl

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