On Sat, 20 Mar 2004, Craig Dayton wrote:

> Hi All,
> Hey, I'm new to Apache, Mod_Perl and Apache::ASP, but not to Perl.
> The version for the current Apache install is:
> Apache/2.0.48 (Win32) mod_perl/1.99_13 Perl/v5.8.0
> Apache::ASP 2.47 is installed and working.
> I'm finding myself thrashing around a lot of documentation sources (i.e.
> Practical Mod_Perl and the online stuff) and was wondering if there is any
> basic primer documentation on Apache::ASP out there that might help me get
> off the ground?
> In running the bookmarks application provided with the Apache::ASP install,
> I getting the error:
> errors compiling global.asa: Can't locate object method "dir_config" via
> package "Apache" at E:/Apache/Apache2/htdocs/asp/bookmarks//./global.asa
> line 15. eval 'E) || die("can\'t create table $DBI::errstr"); ; }
> $Db->do("select * from bookmarks") || die("can\'t do select against
> bookmarks: $DBI::errstr");
> As you can see I don't enough about how to resolve basic errors that happen
> when attempting to use Apache::ASP.  If anyone can point me to some primer
> documentation on creating applications with Apache::ASP, I'd be very
> thankful.
> -Craig

The documentation for mod_perl 2 isn't as mature as that for
mod_perl 1 yet ... One of the more common errors that arises
is just like the above, which comes from not loading the
appropriate module that contains the desired method (the
functionality of mod_perl 2 is split up across a number of
modules, so that one just has to load the minimal needed).
To see which module is needed for a given method, one can do
 C:\> perl -MApache2 -MModPerl::MethodLookup -e print_method dir_config

best regards,
randy kobes

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