Sorry,  i erroneously posted this to the asp list, but it rather should
have been posted to the mod_perl list ..

--On Saturday, May 01, 2004 09:12:39 +0200 Helmut Zeilinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all,
> i am confused about $r->status().
> When do i have to set this "manually" - if ever? 
> I searched for documentations about this item, but i did not find a
> detailed explaination.
> My problem is, what's the difference between
> sub handler {
> ..
> $r->status(404);
> return (?);
> }
> and
> sub handler {
> ..
> return (HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
> }
> [? means that i don't know what to return]
> Regards
> Helmut

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