--On Friday, April 30, 2004 19:43:04 -0700 Josh Chamas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Helmut Zeilinger wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> when i try to use 
>> $Response->ErrorDocument (404, '/notfound.page')
>> in combination with 
>> $Response->Status (404)
>> i do not get my "notfound page", but a 404 Apache error message
>> combined with an additional 404 message:
> I don't know why this would not work for you.  Apache::ASP uses
> Apache->request->custom_response($code, $uri) internally, and you
> might try that API directly.
> If nothing ends up working for you, you might try first doing a:
>   my $error_text = $Response->TrapInclude('notfound.page');
>   $Response->ErrorDocument(404, $$error_text);

Of course that would work..

I did some trying:
It works perfect when i comment out line 459 in ASP/Response.pm (Version

$r->status($status) if defined($status);

at least what this particular problem concerns..



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