gamgisan wrote:
i have spent most of my morning trying to get some third party control panel setup on my server. First i got ASP up and running fine, i know this cause the examples from the website worked fine. So i copied over all the info for the control panel and run it, and i get this error:

You might contact the author of the control panel about this, but it seems to me that since the control panel code is referencing ASP, and not Apache::ASP, that it would not necessarily run under Apache::ASP.

In looking now at the README for the module, it seems that it
offers Apache::ASP compatibility as well, but it seems that was bolted
on after the fact as the cross platform support may not be complete
or well tested.  It was developed origially for use on IIS/ASP/PerlScript

Anyway, you should check with the author to make sure the panel has
been run under Apache::ASP before.  The obvious bug here is that the
PirinDN::PageFrame::Redirect subroutine is not defined, so maybe this
is as easy as fixing the PirinDN::PageFrame package (?)  I am betting
that it is trying to import a Redirect from an ASP object namespace,
and failing under Apache::ASP to do this.



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