Does anyone know how I can view the contents of the global.asa loaded durring
runtime. I am having troubles getting non built-in subroutines to work. For
instance, I know Script_OnStart is being compiled and loaded but it seems to be
ignoring any custom sub routines I create. Here is a snip from my global.asa

sub Script_OnStart {
    ## Crack-open a new database handle, and if it fails,
    ## we should run in terror.

    $dbh = CommonModules::Clinsights::db_clindex();
    $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 150000;


sub Script_OnEnd {
    ## Close the database handle
    if ($dbh) { 
        $dbh = undef;

sub check_db_connection {
    if (!$dbh) {
        $Response->Debug("Database Connection FAILURE!!! : " . $DBI::errstr);

When I reference check_db_connection () from one of my asp files I get an
undefined sub routine error.



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