Quoting Thanos Chatziathanassiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanos Chatziathanassiou wrote:
> > Joshua Chamas wrote:
> >
> >> Quoting Thanos Chatziathanassiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>
> >> It does seem useful.  My work around before has been to
> >> programmatically call
> >> Apache::ASP->Load on only the directories that I want to be read
> >> fully.  Can
> >> this approach work for you without adding this config?
> >>
> >
> Actually, now that I come to think of it, it won't work: there are sites
> with a number of scripts in their root directory and a subdirectory of
> root filled up with other stuff, so these cannot be selectively added...

What about doing something like:

for my $file_or_dir (glob(qw(/path/to/root/*.asp)), /path/to/other) {
  Apache::ASP->Load($file_or_dir, '.*', %config);

Since files can be loaded as well as directories?


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