This might be a more general mod_perl question, and if so let me know, but I'm trying to add exception handling to my Apache::ASP code. Basically I have a module that encapsulates all my data access, with all the UI logic handled in ASP pages. What I want to do is throw exceptions in the data module, and catch them in the ASP pages. I've been using Error::Simple and throwing errors in the data module like so:

   throw Error::Simple( 'My Error');

the calling code in the ASP page looks like so:

   try {
   catch Error::Simple with {
     my $E;

But the throw always triggers an Apache error and gets written to the Apache log. I've also tried the module Exception::Class with similar results.

Can anybody with experience doing exception handling under Apache::ASP tell me what works for them and point me in the right direction?


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