In your globa.asa:

use vars qw/

  my $ref = $Response->{BinaryRef};
  $$ref =~ s/<body>/<!--#include virtual='/inc/'-><body>/g;
}# end Script_OnFlush()

John Drago

From: Andrew Koebrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 3:31 PM
Subject: regular expressions on $Response ? 

Hoping somebody can offer a suggestion on how best to do my headers and 
footers.  I bumped into problems getting Apache::ASP, Apache 2.0 and filters 
working.  I was using mod_ext_filter to replace my <body> and </body> tags 
(using a simple sed command) with a SSI directive, which in turn pulled in 
complex headers and footers.  
When I moved to Fedora 3 this scheme started failing.  My options are to move 
off of Apache::ASP for my embedded perl (perhaps to Mason), or to try to do the 
replaces above in a manner more internal to Apache::ASP.
I have not been using the $Response->AddHeader($name, $value)  because I need 
to keep the existing headers from the HTML files (they contain lots of metadata.
So, is there a way to do regular expressions agains the $Resoponse object?  
Something akin to (escaping ignored): 
$Response =~ s/<body>/<!--#include virtual='/inc/'-><body>/g
I am not currently using a global.asa file, but I guess I could start if I need 
Thanks for any suggestions.
Andrew Koebrick
Andrew Koebrick
Web Coordinator / Librarian

Dept. of Administration
State of Minnesota
658 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Andrew Koebrick
Web Coordinator / Librarian

Dept. of Administration
State of Minnesota
658 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55155


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