Hello all,

A very strange error just started up.  I have had an app running on a
Fedora Core 2 server for a while now with Apache/2.0.51 and
mod_perl-1.99_12-2.1.  In the past couple of days I have started
getting hundreds of the following errors:

error executing eventpop.html: Apache::RequestIO::print: (103)
Software caused connection abort at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Apache/ASP/Response.pm line 279,
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Apache/ASP.pm line 1483

It seems to happen whenever a client navigates away from the page
before the app is finished serving it.

The only things that have changed on this app just prior to this error
are that now the clients are connecting over SSL and one of the
back-end databases that the app is connecting to is much far away
(which makes it more likely the client has navigated away before the
page finishes).  But, since I never saw this error at all before, I am
inclined to believe it has something to do with SSL.

I found a commented "if ($self->{IsClientConnected})" block around
line 279 in Apache::ASP::Response and uncommented it thinking that it
would fix the problem.  It has helped, but not completely eliminated
the problem.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?  Any ideas on how to overcome it?


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