raptor wrote:
|and access it later the same method.  Right on point though with 1024 bytes,
|issue, but default is now MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File which does not have this
|limit, however if you do this alot consider DB_File or GDBM_File for StateDB
|setting which can be faster for larger data sets.
]- I have been using Apache::ASP in the past..and have GDBM_File set in apache.conf 

|Also consider $Server->Transfer() API to execute another script,
|so you could see the current $Request->Params is still available.

|]- it seems that this is the solution to my problem...one thing is still causing me problems..
In the Script_OnStart() I parse the $Request->ServerVariables('SCRIPT_NAME') and use
the script_name to choose what template to use to render the HTML..
So in the this case the templete that will be used will be do_add.asp instead of add.asp
which is wrong....
How to solve that...?

Maybe parse $0 instead of the ServerVariables ?


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