Ramnivas, sorry to have to contradict you (and thanks for triggering my memory) 
but there has been some work on a tool that does just that: pointcutdoctor ( 
http://pointcutdoctor.sourceforge.net/ ) by Ye and De Volder. I used it in its 
early incarnations and it proved to be quite helpful. Sadly it appears not to 
have been updated since 2008, but it might still work, so maybe this could be 
of some use ...

On 14 Jul 2010, at 02:14, Ramnivas Laddad wrote:

> Well, a tool won't tell you what is wrong with the code, since it doesn't 
> know what you intend to express. If you can show example code of what you 
> intend to advise, perhaps someone can help you (it is really difficult to 
> know what you want from the email).
> For you earlier question, the fact that you are using IntelliJ may be a part 
> of the problem. Its support, while has improved a lot recently, in nowhere as 
> good as that in Eclipse. So you may want to give Eclipse+AJDT a try.
> -Ramnivas
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So here's an example: I have code below that does not work.  How can I found 
> out what's wrong with it?
> The intention is to advise all   get*() methods in the dao class.  Well that 
> part works alone, but when adding in the "notInMethods" pointcut, then 
> nothing works.  So what tooling can tell me why nothing gets advised anymore?
>       @Pointcut(value = "execution(public * *.getManagedClass())")
>       public void notInMethods() {
>       }
>       @Around(value = "!notInMethods() && execution(public * *.get* (..)) && 
> this(dao)", argNames = "thisJoinPoint, dao")

Johan Fabry   
jfa...@dcc.uchile.cl - http://dcc.uchile.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile

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