On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25 October 2010 15:09, Jon Seymour <jon.seym...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I take it that 1.6.7 might substantially improve this, is that so?
> 1.6.7 included some radical changes, but you should skip that release
> - either go with 1.6.8 or if you can just go with the most recent,
> 1.6.10.  How well these will affect your memory situation, I can't be
> sure as I've done limited testing of the weaver under spring.  It is
> possible springs usage of AspectJ needs further tweaking.

So, I ran smaller version of my test (which doesn't involve as many
types) with 1.6.10-RC1, and the number of ReferenceType objects
dropped by ~30% (from 260,000 to 180,000 for this test). As far as I
can tell, this is because it adjusted k - the number of ReferenceTypes
per application type.

To make a serious dent in the numbers, there would have to be a way
for groups of related PointCutExpressionImpl to share the same
ReflectionWorld instance and hence type map. In my case, this would
theoretically improve things by a factor of 15 (dropping 180,000 down
to a slightly saner 12000).

I think there is probably scope in Spring to share ReflectionWorlds
across weaver.internal.tools.PointCutExpressionImpl instances, but I
will pursue this further in the Spring forums...

> 1.6.10 also includes the change that addresses that bug you raised
> about anchoring of memory in the Dump hashmap.

Thanks for that!

> cheers
> Andy
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