On 01.11.2010 14:00, jan_bar wrote:
> In article <4cceb275.7090...@googlemail.com>, 
> holger.hoffstae...@googlemail.com says...
>> On 01.11.2010 13:23, jan_bar wrote:
>>> does AspectJ support callee weaving or does it only weave the callers? 
>> http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/released/progguide/language-joinPoints.html
>> "call vs. execution"
>> -h
> Thanks. Followup: if I will use only execution pointcuts, will AspectJ 
> still require all classes to be on classpath (when the class referenced 
> in pointcut is part of a jar)? 

If I understand correctly then yes, all classes referenced in the
new/additional code added to a callee need to be available at runtime
unless you do naughty things with selective/lazy initialization.
However this does not affect clients compiling against the newly woven
code, since they still only use their well-known entry points (the
public API).

If that wasn't your question please explain again :)

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