I spent considerable time on Google researching how to do this, and searched 
through Bugzilla and the mailing list archives, but didn't find anything that 
was't several years old and/or from AspectJ 1.5. I'm using 1.6.10 now and am 
hoping there is some updated information to be had somewhere.

I have some packages annotated (in package-info.java) with 
@MyPackageLevelAnnotation, and I need to assign execution pointcuts to all 
methods within all classes within those packages (and, if possible, within all 
sub-packages). In Aspect language, how do I go about doing this? I can 
successfully do so for methods and/or classes annotated with this, but I 
haven't been able to with package annotations.

I saw some (very) old documentation and messages that referenced doing this and 
said the ability to use package and parameter annotations was removed in 1.5 
and would be re-added at a later date. I know parameter annotations are 
supported again, because I'm using them, but I can't figure out package 

Anybody have anything that might help me?


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