
I need a solution for cancelling a long-running select statement. I'm using
Spring 3.0.2, iBatis 2.3.0 and Oracle 10g. I managed to get it to work with
plain JDBC, but because the select is generated dynamically through an
advanced search screen, I really need to use iBatis.

The iBatis internal class responsible for the creation/retrieval from cache
of prepared statements is *com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution.SqlExecutor*.
The internal method called for every call of *
queryForList()/queryForObject()* is SqlExecutor's

public void executeQuery(RequestScope request, Connection conn, String sql,
Object[] parameters, int skipResults, int maxResults, RowHandlerCallback
callback) throws SQLException method.

Due to performance reasons, iBatis creates a new prepared statement only if
one does not already exist for the given select statement. The prepared
statements are stored/cached in a HashMap where the sql string is the key
and the prepared statement is the value.

Unfortunately, iBatis and the newer version myBatis don't seem to offer any
support for cancelling a long running prepared statement.

After trying different other solutions with no success, I think it might be
possible to work with *AspectJ* to try to advice the
SqlExecutor.executeQuery() method and somehow store on the HTTP session the
iBatis cache map and sql string, both of them available as method arguments.

When the user will try to cancel the long-running query, a check will be
made from another thread to see if a prepared statement already exists in
the iBatis cache map for the given sql string, previously stored on the HTTP
session through AOP. If one does exist, a Statement.cancel() call will be
issued. I don't see why a solution like this might interfere with the iBatis
internal mechanisms since if the prepared statement will be canceled, an
SqlException will be thrown (*ORA-01013 user requested cancel of current
operation*) and Ibatis will properly handle that as any other generated

Using *Spring AOP* is not an option because it only allows you to pointcut
methods declared in objects managed by the Spring container. I cannot
declare SqlExecutor as a Spring bean, because it is created and managed
internally by iBatis.

Haven't yet tried the above solution with AspectJ since I'm not quite
familiar with the framework, but I started reading about it.

Can anyone please tell me if this is the right approach for my problem? Can
I solve it with AspectJ?

Any answer at all will be highly appreciated.


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