A-ha! When I faced those issues, I googled and I found a lot of people
facing issues with weaving into the JDK so I thought it was an actual
limitation of AspectJ. But from what you say, it seems like the only problem
has to do with loadtime weaving but instrumenting a JAR should be fine.

Well, that's certainly good news and tomorrow I'll give it another try.
Maybe this exception I'm facing has to do with something else...

Anyway, thanks a lot!


2011/3/16 Andy Clement <andrew.clem...@gmail.com>

> > What makes it so different from instrumenting any other JAR?
> These classes are loaded by a classloader that does not get a chance
> to attach a weaver, when using javaagent - so loadtime weaving isn't
> possible.  With care, you can do what you have done, weave rt.jar and
> use that new version.  The trouble is that it can be easy to cause
> yourself problems if you, for example, weave String but also use
> String (perhaps inadvertently) in your aspect - easy to create
> stackoverflow issues.  I don't know why you have a NoSuchMethodError
> though.
> But I know others have done the weaving successfully - hopefully one
> of them can follow up my post :)
> cheers
> Andy
> On 16 March 2011 06:19, Tiago Espinha <ti...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've been looking around the Internet, and it seems like it's impossible
> (or
> > at least failure-prone) to weave aspects into JDKs. I did it myself - I
> > instrumented the rt.jar file from the latest Oracle JDK for Linux - and,
> > whilst the weaving goes seemingly fine, I hit failures on runtime with
> such
> > exceptions as NoSuchMethodError, relating to the aspect I wove.
> > What I cannot understand is the reason why JDK instrumentation is
> > impossible. What makes it so different from instrumenting any other JAR?
> And
> > does anyone know if there are workarounds to it?
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Cheers,
> > Tiago
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