I've built an aspect to wrap around Sonic ESB's XQService.service() method, and 
it's been working perfectly on my laptop (Windows XP, JRE 1.5.0_22, Sonic 

Now, I'm trying to deploy the same exact jars in the same exact way to our 
sandbox pre-production environment (Red Hat 4.1.2-48, JDK 1.5.0_22, Sonic MQ 
and ESB installation), but things aren't working.

What seems to be happening is that on my laptop, the aspect weaving takes place 
and the aspect is instantiated at the time the container starts up.  In the 
sandbox, however, I see the same message regarding weaving, so I am pretty 
confident that the -javaagent parameter did its thing, but my pointcuts don't 
seem to match anything, either at initialization or during normal runtime.  I 
am printing out a message in my advice when SonicMQ messages are processed, and 
it appears on my laptop but not on the server.  I see no signs of my advice 
ever executing on the server.

This is the message I see in both environments during container startup, so I 
believe that means the ltw happened:

[DelegatingLoader@10d0eae] warning javax.* types are not being woven because the
 weaver option '-Xset:weaveJavaxPackages=true' has not been specified

I don't know what might account for this kind of problem.  I am open to any 
suggestions for getting to the bottom of this.

Lee Grey
aspectj-users mailing list

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