
I'm using a current Eclipse version, so I've picked-up
AspectJ/ajc1.6.11 in my development environment.  In my runtime
environment I'm stuck with 1.6.8 for now, so as expected on deployment
I'm seeing a v6 versus v7 version clash, per [1].  Unfortunate,
runtime is only one revision too old for v7 attributes.

Given I can't follow the recommendation to upgrade my runtime version,
how difficult is it to setup my Eclipse IDE to use the 1.6.8 compiler
(perhaps referenced externally)?  Is there a HOWTO on downgrading
Eclipse IDE AJDT kit?  I'm hoping not to have to hunt down an older
version of Eclipse.


[1] http://andrewclement.blogspot.com/2010/04/aspectj-169m1-message-unable-to.html
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