That looks like a bug to me - want to raise a bugzilla?

I'll look at it this week when I get a few mins.


On 7 May 2011 07:56, AuFinNS <> wrote:
> Hello,
> there is an unexpected advice behaviuor in the following aspect:
> public aspect InterType {
>   @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
>   @Target({METHOD})
>   public @interface MyAnnotation {
>   }
>   public static aspect AroundMethod {
>     Object around() : execution(@MyAnnotation * * (..)) {
>       return proceed();
>     }
>   }
>   public interface InterTypeIfc {}
>   // (1)
>   @MyAnnotation
>   public void InterTypeIfc.m1(int p1) {}
>   // (2)
>   public void InterTypeIfc.m1(int p1, int p2) {}
>   // (3)
>   @MyAnnotation
>   public void m1(int p1) {}
>   // (4)
>   public void m1(int p1, int p2) {}
> }
> }
> (1,3) correctly adviced by AroundMethod aspect
> (4) correctly not advices by the aspect
> (2) adviced by AroundMethod aspect --- what i'm not expecting and don't want
> Is there any error in the pointcut: execution(@MyAnnotation * * (..))
> Thanks!
> Max
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